Bachelors in Biblical Studies


Four-year students are enrolled in the Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree and have Biblical Studies as the major course of study. This major includes 42 hours of Bible, 3 hours of Church

History, 3 hours of Cross-Cultural studies, 41 hours of general education, and a minor course of study compiled of 21 to 27 hours, with the remainder of the 128 hour degree consisting of general electives (from 12-18 hours depending on the minor).


A minimum of 45 hours of Biblical Studies and Theology, including the following core:

BSTH 124 Introduction to the Old Testament
BSTH 121 New Testament Survey: The Gospels
BSTH 122 New Testament Survey: Acts through Revelation

CHHS112 Baptists and the History of Christianity
BSTH 232 Jesus and Christianity Through the Ages
BSTH 241 The Interpretation of Scripture: Biblical Hermeneutics
BSTH 251 Christian Doctrine
BSTH 351 Ecclesiology: The Doctrine of the Church
BSTH 471 Senior Seminar: Biblical WorldView and Contemporary Issues
Plus 9 hours of at least 200 level Church History or Biblical Studies area courses are required
Plus 9 additional hours of upper level Biblical Studies and Theology courses and 6 hours of upper level Expository courses are required.

  1. A minimum of 3 credit hours in Cross-Cultural Studies, CCST 122.

  2. 41 credit hours in the General Education core, with area requirements as follows: GNED 112 The Boston Experience (2 credit hour)
    Language Arts (6-9 credit hours to include ENGL 111 and a writing intensive course) History (6-9 credit hours to include at least 3 hours of U.S. History)

    Fine Arts (3-9 credit hours)
    Natural and Physical Sciences (3-9 credit hours) Mathematics (3-9 credit hours)

  3. Behavioral Sciences (3-9 credit hours)
    Foreign Language (3-9 credit hours)
    Communication Arts (3-9 credit hours to include COMM 112)
    Literature (3-9 credit hours)
    Every student must satisfy at least the minimum requirements in the Language Arts and History areas. At least one 3 hour course is required in each of the remaining areas. General education credits earned must total 41, with no more than 9 credits in any discipline applied to the core requirements.

  4. 15-18 credit hours of general electives.

  5. A minimum of 21 hours in one of the seven following Ministry Skills minors, completing the prescribed course work for that minor


Three levels of Honors are offered by Boston Baptist College upon program completion and are awarded at Spring Commencement:

  • Cum Laude (GPA 3.50-3.74)

  • Magna Cum Laude (GPA 3.75-3.89)

  • Summa Cum Laude (GPA 3.90+)

Upon program completion, two students only are recognized during Spring Commencement as Valedictorian and Salutatorian.

  • The student with the highest grade point average of his or her graduating class (minimum of GPA 3.50) will be named Valedictorian

  • The student with the second highest grade point average of his or her graduating class (minimum GPA 3.50) will be named Salutatorian

Associates Degree Requirements

Students enrolled in the Associate in Science in Biblical Studies degree have a 64 hour course of study including 27 hours of Bible, 3 hours of Ministry Skills, 3 hours of Cross-Cultural studies, 28 hours of general education, and 3 hours of general electives.


  1. A minimum of 27 hours of Biblical Studies and Theology, including the following core: BSTH124 Introduction to the Old Testament
    BSTH 121 New Testament Survey: The Gospels
    BSTH 122 New Testament Survey: Acts through Revelation

    BSTH 232 Jesus and Christianity Through the Ages
    BSTH 241 The Interpretation of Scripture: Biblical Hermeneutics
    BSTH 251 Christian Doctrine
    Plus 9 additional hours of Biblical Studies, Church History, and Theology courses.

  2. A minimum of 3 credit hours in Cross-Cultural Studies, (CCST 122)

  3. A minimum of 29 credit hours in the General Education core, with area requirements as follows:

    GNED 122 College Study Skills (2 credit hours)
    Language Arts (ENGL 151 and a three hour writing intensive course) One 3 credit hour US History elective
    Fine Arts (3 credit hours)
    Natural and Physical Sciences (3 credit hours)
    Mathematics (3 credit hours)
    Behavioral Sciences (3 credit hours)
    COMM 112 Fundamentals of Speech
    Literature (3 credit hours)

  4. A minimum of 3 general education elective credits

  5. At least 5 credit hours of general electives.